Mutt Timber Sale

We expect the Mutt EA to be re-released soon to reflect newly completed species surveys. Mutt is on the Forest Service ‘s priority list.
Bark’s Concerns
Area on high landslide risk zone, drains directly in to Clackamas River. Healing from clear-cuts 50 years ago. Plans also including placing large woody debris, by helicopter, in 1 to 1.5 miles of Pup Creek. Fertilization on most of the sale, with only 100 ft buffers for riparian areas. Degradation of 147 acres of owl dispersal habitat.
Resources for Comment-Writing
There are currently 30 miles of open/closed road in the area. 26.4 miles is open, 3.6 miles is closed. Current road density is 3.5 miles of open road per square mile. After this project it will go down to 3.2 miles per square mile. This is still way over the recommended 2.5 miles of open road. This does not address the question of closed roads, which are not counted in road density. Closed roads still serves as access for off road vehicles and acting as an impervious surface which transports sediment and increase peak flows. Bark recommends the Forest Service should get the road density down to 2.5 miles of open road, with all other roads being obliterated, with the road beds ripped and reseeded.
Habitats & Species
S&M Species: Hypogenia Oceania, Romaria araiospora, Ramaria geletinaium, Cortinarius Olypianus T&E Species: NSO CHU OR 10NSO 1999 Bi-Op Other Species: Lower Columbia River Steelhead, Upper Willamette River Chinook, Lower Columbia River Coho Salmon, Lower Columbia River Cutthroat Trout Additional Species Info: LC River Steelhead may affect, not likely to adversely affect. Up Willamette River Chinook may affect, not likely to adversely affect. LC River Coho Salmon May Impact Individuals or Habitat, but will not likely contribute to a trend towards Federal Listing. LC River Cutthroat Trout May impact individuals or habitat, but will not likely contribute to a trend towards Federal listing. Ramaria araisporo Unit 4 and 5Ramaria gelatinaiaurantia Unit 1 and 4Cortinarius olypianus Unit 5
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