the Understory: January

Join us for the Understory, an in-person book club discussing ecology, environmental justice, historical fallacy, and the basics of humanity.
For the month of January, we are reading:
An American Sunrise: Poems by Joy Harjo
Joy Harjo, the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States, is a member of the Mvskoke Nation. She is only the second poet to be appointed a third term as U.S. Poet Laureate. Her poems sing of beauty and survival, illuminating a spirituality that connects her to her ancestors and thrums with the quiet anger of living in the ruins of injustice.
If you’d like to participate, please have read the above selection by the meeting date so that you can show up authentically and contribute to the conversation meaningfully. We will have an open discussion, with leading questions if necessary, to help digest and possibly apply what was presented in the selection. Come meet others interested in the same things you are.
Bark’s The Understory book club is on a mission to maintain a robust and active study group as a strategy to deepen Bark’s engagement with environmental literature beyond the typical canon of white, western, male, and scientific writing. The Understory strives to develop cultural humility and promote radical environmental justice in our organization and community and by focusing on readings that support our collective and individual practices of decolonization, anti-oppression, and cultural transformation.
The Understory meets in the Bark office on the last Monday of the month and will follow Bark’s COVID fieldwork protocol.