Bull Run Watershed Tour (Full!)

During the tour, a professional educator leads participants through the Bull Run Watershed, discussing Portland’s drinking water sources and system. All information is intended for a general audience.

Meeting location will be shared once you have reserved your seat.
This is an all-day event starting at 8:30 AM -5:00 PM.

Ticket fees have been WAIVED, this is now a free event!

To prepare for your tour, please:

Dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes. Weather in the watershed tends to be cooler and wetter than in the Portland area, so bring extra layers and prepare for rain. Most of your tour will take place inside a vehicle, but you will have opportunities to walk on rough trails and primitive roads.

Wear clean shoes or boots. To protect water quality, please clean your shoes before the tour. Sometimes shoes can transport fecal matter (from dogs, cats, cows, etc.) or seeds from invasive plants.

Bring enough food and drinks to last the entire day. Tour schedules do not allow time to stop for provisions. You’ll have opportunities to refill your water bottle during the day.

Consider the restroom situation. Restrooms are about two hours apart. If limited restroom availability presents an issue for you, please contact us.

Bring official photo identification and a completed waiver form. For security, all participants must sign a liability waiver and provide identification. Participants under 18 years old must have the waiver signed by a guardian, but do not have to provide identification.

Consider your health. The tour area is remote. Water Bureau staff carry emergency radios and are trained in first aid; however, cell phones do not work, and emergency care can be more than an hour away. If you know you may need medication (including over-the-counter drugs), please bring your own.

Read these guidelines about protecting the drinking water. We require that participants:

Refrain from smoking. Smoking is not allowed on tours.

Avoid touching the water. Body contact with the water is not permitted.

Use only the restroom facilities provided.

Take home any trash.

Stay with the group at all times.