Wildcat CE Timber Sale

Thanks to all your help Bark and the Forest Service have reached a successful compromise regarding Wildcat CE (Categorical Exclusion). The Wildcat project is planned in stands with key legacy features which may be destroyed as a result of logging. Bark appealed Wildcat CE on 1/19/2006 on the grounds that the project will not meet its stated goals of enhancing biological diversity and stand health.
On 2/7/2006, Bark withdrew its appeal on the conditions that (1) the Forest Service would drop 1-2 acres in the western corner of Unit 1 to provide protection for an area with legacy features such as large, downed logs that are essential for ecosystem functioning, (2) Bark will work with Mt. Hood National Forest field staff in inventorying and marking all significant snags within Unit 6 prior to logging, and (3) within three months of the completion of all logging activities, appropriate Mt. Hood National Forest staff will facilitate a field tour with Bark representatives to observe post-logging conditions. This agreement is being carried out by volunteers tagging and getting coordinates for 100 snags within Unit 6 so that we might get a better idea of how well snags can be retained after logging. Our results are forthcoming.
In 2012, amazing Bark volunteer and Forest Watch Committee member Paula Hood took on the job of organizing a Bark team to inventory these snags. As logging goes forward and post-logging monitoring occurs, Bark continues to compile results. If you are interested in up-to-date information regarding snag retention in the sale, please contact the Bark office at 503-331-0374 and ask for our Forest Watch Coordinator or email info@bark-out.org with questions.
Resources for Comment-Writing
Bark believes there is no reason for the extra 500 feet of road in unit 1 because the existing road already reaches the boundary of the unit. The road density in the planning area is already high reduction of impacts from roads through decommissioning and restoration should be the highest priority of the Zigzag Ranger District, not new road construction.
Habitats & Species
T&E Species: Northern Spotted Owl Additional Species Info: A 2004 Bush administration rule that removed protections for rare plants and animals was just determined illegal by Judge Pechman of the U.S. District Court (see the feature story at www.bark-out.org). Wildcat CE is one of the logging projects that may be illegally moving forward without providing protections for rare species required by the court ruling.
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