Collawash Thinning Timber Sale

A 2004 Bush administration rule that removed protections for rare plants and animals was later determined illegal by Judge Pechman of the U.S. District Court, but not all timber sales affected by the Bush removal of protections have been stopped despite the court ruling. Collawash Thinning is one of the logging projects that may be illegally moving forward without providing protections for rare species required by the court ruling. Stay tuned as Bark is trying to determine how Collawash will be impacted.
As of now, however, our appeal of this project has been denied and logging may begin any time. The Forest Service claims that this is a restoration project, that the logging will “accelerate late-successional stand conditions” and “enhance and/or restore biological diversity.” The Collawash/Hot Springs Watershed Analysis (1995) however, describes this watershed as “the most unstable [watershed] within the Mt. Hood National Forest” and prone to erosion and landslides. Sediment build-up could affect endangered fish species that live less than a mile downstream from the project area including Lower Columbia River Steelhead (Threatened), Upper Willamette River Spring Chinook (Threatened), Lower Columbia River Coho Salmon (proposed for a Threatened listing).
Resources for Comment-Writing
Road construction will occur at sites less than a mile from streams inhabited by threatened anadromous fish. Reconstruction Miles: 2.7
Habitats & Species
S&M Species: pileated woodpeckerpine marten T&E Species: Lower Columbia River Steelhead (Threatened)Upper Willamette River Spring Chinook (Threatened)Lower Columbia River Coho Salmon (proposed for a Threatened listing)Northern spotted owl (Dispersal habitat will be affected threatened) Other Species: deerelk Additional Species Info: From the scoping letter Our timber management planning process has identified approximately 2
Bark Comments
Unit 484 Tree plantation 15-20 yrs surrounded by contiguous forest, previously logged, red cedar stumps. Unit 420 10-25 yr old tree plantation surrounded by mature contiguous never logged forest, 45 degree slope, healthy ground cover, very diverse. Unit 482 tree plantation, mostly doug fir, previously logged, nice soil. Unit 425 High blowdown potential, big stands, very dense in places, younger than other stands
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