Batwings Timber Sale

Sadly, the Batwings Timber Sale was logged. This sale was auctioned to Swanson lumber on 1/17/2003. Batwings clear-cut 109 acres of ancient forest in the already hammered Oak Grove Watershed, and just 15 minutes from the Solo Timber Sale.
Resources for Comment-Writing
Habitats & Species
S&M Species: red tree voles
T&E Species: NSO CHU OR-10NSO 1997 Bi-Op
Other Species: DeerElkCoyote
Additional Species Info: Possible bobcat scat, deer and elk tracks, woodpecker foraging.
Propose to leave 15 of the understory for green tree retention. How much of the unit is actually affected by root disease and mistletoe? The 109 acre clear-cut is in clear violation of the rule regulating forest openings to 60 acres on the West side and 40 acres on the East side. The FS says it has regional approval to bypass the rule. The sale would be tractor logged with 30 acres in the northeast to be cable logged.
A temporary road would be constructed along the top of the ridge above the cable logging area and three landings would be needed. This road could also be utilized for tractor logging the remainder of that area. Access to much of the rest of the unit would be provided by existing roads including a system of ripped skid roads in adjacent plantations some of which could be utilized as temporary raods. About one mile of new temporary roads would be constructed within the harvest unit. ‘ (EA 8) ‘
Reconstruction Miles: 4.3