Wetland Mapping Verification Camp Out 7/28-7/31

On the first day of the campout (7/28/24), we will all meet at Gateway/NE 99th Ave. at 9 am. Make sure to meet us at the entrance to the parking garage! From there we will coordinate carpooling to our secondary location. This location will vary depending on the final survey site so keep an eye out for an update/reminder email 1.5 weeks before the event. In this email, I will also share the coordinates for our final campsite and any important info about the site. From our secondary location, we will caravan to our campsite. Once we arrive at the campsite, we will drop our gear, do our Land Acknowledgement writing practice, share safety info, talk about the site and then head into the field for some surveying! While in the field, we will stop frequently for breaks, water, snacks and lunch. We will arrive back at camp by 4pm to set-up individual tents and gear, make food and get ready for any fun camp activities!
Each day at camp we will wake up with enough time to make food and get ready, aiming to leave camp by 9am for a day of surveying. We will plan to do roughly 5 hours of surveying before heading back to our camp with plenty of time to cook dinners and relax. On the last day of camp (7/31/24), we will do a half day of surveying before packing up camp and heading back to Portland. We will plan to arrive back to Portland by 6pm on the final day of camp.
Feel free to attend only part of the campout. Just make sure to email Meg@Bark-Out.org BEFORE the camp out so I know when to expect you
Before registering:
1. Review our Intro to Wetland mapping verification PowerPoint slides
2. Fill out the Carpool Form (there are tabs at the bottom for each event)
3. Reserve rubber boots on our Boot Reservation form– we will be in standing water! (there are tabs at the bottom for each field day)
4. Check out our website for more info: Campout Expectations – Bark (bark-out.org), Campout Packing List – Bark (bark-out.org)
5. Email Bark with any medical issues (diabetes, allergies, etc.), accommodations, questions or concerns.
Questions? Email Meg@Bark-Out.org