Groundtruthing + Timber Sale Survey Campout

Join us for some back-to-back days of groundtruthing at a proposed timber sale location! You can join us at any point for the duration of the campout or for the entire time.
This is an in-person event and will follow Bark’s COVID-19 fieldwork safety protocol.
Before registering: Everyone interested in participating in Bark’s groundtruthing efforts is welcome at this campout! If you have attended Groundtruthing 101 + 102, we’ll send you into the field to get started. If not, please review Bark’s please watch our recorded trainings before attending the field day.
Questions? Visit Bark’s page what to expect on a field day, what to expect on a campout, or for more information email Misha, Bark’s Forest Watch Coordinator.
Bark’s groundtruthing volunteer network helps us monitor logging projects in Mt. Hood National Forest and surrounding public lands. Groundtruthers explore and document an area proposed for a timber sale (or other project type) by the Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management.
The information gathered by groundtruthers enables Bark and the public to assess how accurately the agency’s project documents describe the forest and the impacts. By providing more transparent and accessible information, we can support the public’s understanding and engagement in decisions about public lands management together. Bark’s groundtruthers can and have found discrepancies in agency information and located rare or threatened plants and animal species leading to the cancellation of some or all of the proposed logging.