Field Immersive: Beaver Habitat Surveys

Part 2 in a series of classes about Bark’s Beaver Habitat Surveys. If you missed Part 1, Intro to Beaver Ecology and Habitat Surveys, look out for another session later this summer! Part 1 is not required but will definitely help you understand our survey.
In this class, we’ll go into the field to do some hands-on Beaver Habitat Surveys using Bark’s Beaver Scorecard and our knowledge from ‘Intro to Beaver Ecology and Habitat Surveys’. We’ll look for beaver signs, beaver’s favorite foods, building materials, hydrology and more. After filling out the Beaver Scorecard, we’ll determine how suitable our site is for potential future beaver reintroduction! The data collected in this field immersive will go directly into Bark’s beaver habitat database to inform future reintroduction projects.
This field immersive will follow the schedule and design of a typical field day. This event has a 4/5 difficulty rating. Be prepared for bushwhacking, walking in shallow water, and traversing logs, hills and uneven ground. Check out our field day packing list for more info on what to bring.
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