Webinar: Amending the Northwest Forest Plan

Members of the FAC - USFS

Join us for an informational webinar about the ongoing amendment process for the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP)!

In July of 2023, the US Forest Service announced the creation of a Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) and asked the 20 members to reach consensus on a robust set of recommendations for amending the NWFP. The amendment is focused on 5 issue areas: Wildfire Resilience, Climate Change Adaptation, Old-growth Forest Conservation, Tribal Inclusion, and Sustainable Communities. The final 192 FAC recommendations can be found here.

We are excited to be joined by two members of the FAC!

Co-chair Susan Jane Brown, JD – Principal Attorney at Silvix Resources

Elaine Harvey, Wanuxni – Watershed Department Manager for Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commision

Attendees of the webinar will have an opportunity to learn more about the amendment process directly from two of the FAC members who helped develop the 192 recommendations submitted to the Forest Service. We will provide background and context for three issue areas – Tribal Inclusion, Wildfire, and Old-growth – and discuss how the FAC’s recommendations will change management direction if adopted by the Forest Service. Attendees will also have a chance to ask questions and learn more about how to get involved as the amendment process moves forward.

We hope to see you there!