Beaver Habitat and Wetland Mapping Survey Campout 8/3-8/5/2023

Wetlands serve many functions- from biodiversity hotspots, water storage and filtration, aquifer replenishment, wildfire breaks and more. However, wetlands are also notoriously tricky to map, and you can’t protect an ecosystem you don’t know is there! Join us as we gather data about soils, plants and hydrology to assist our wetland partners in mapping wetland areas on Mt. Hood.
We will all meet in Portland, OR at 9 am on 8/3 and coordinate carpooling to a secondary location from there. From the secondary location, we will caravan to the campout location which will be included in an email 2 weeks before the campout start date. Each day we will leave camp at 9am to conduct a full day of field work, planning to return to camp no later than 5pm. On the final day of camp (8/5), we will do a half day of field work before packing up camp and returning to Grocery Outlet around 6pm. Feel free to attend only part of the campout.
This is an in-person event and will follow Bark’s COVID-19 volunteer work safety protocol.
Before registering: Everyone interested in participating in Bark’s wetland mapping efforts is welcome! Please review Bark’s online wetland mapping training materials before attending a field day.
Questions? Visit Bark’s page on what to expect on a campout, what to pack for a campout and what to expect for a field day. For more information or email Meg, Bark’s Field Crew Lead, with additional questions.
Join us in mapping a wetland area located in Mt. Hood National Forest and let’s get them protected!