Rad◦i◦cle Activist Training: Forest Policy

Come join us for Rad◦i◦cle Activist Training on Forest Policy hosted by Jordan Latter, Forest Watch Coordinator. This evening’s programming will cover how the lands now known as Mt Hood National Forest were managed in the past, how that changed after Euro-American settlement, and how they are managed today. We will also dive into the ways Bark works within the current structure to stop destructive management practices.
In three years, Bark has saved 15,000+ acres of the forest surrounding “Mt. Hood” from logging, established a game-changing legal precedent on forests and fire, engaged 30,000+ people around forest ecology and current forest management practices, and worked with state and federal agencies to work towards reintroducing beaver to “Mt. Hood.” The impacts of our forest advocacy are only possible with the countless hours, incredible creativity, and boundless spirit from our volunteers. Let’s keep up the amazing work!
Email jordan@bark-out.org with your questions and register at the sign up button above.
When: April 20th, 2023, 6:00PM-8:00PM
Where: Bark Office, 351 NE 18th Ave, Portland, OR
Bark affirms that these are the rightful lands of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, and Clackamas bands of the Chinuk; Tualitin Kalapuya, Molalla, Tenino, Wasco, Wishram, Paiute, and the many other Native people who live here and who have always lived here. These Tribal Nations belong to and care for this land, and we honor these Nations’ continued existence and resilience, as their sacrifices are still ongoing. We acknowledge their long-lasting and tireless work to nurture, advocate, and protect these lands in the Pacific Northwest.