August 3rd Fuel Break Comment Writing Workshop

Join us at the Bark office for a comment writing workshop regarding the 27 Road Fuel Break Project being proposed on Mt. Hood. Your comments could prevent needless logging, protecting riparian zones and Spotted Owl habitat.
No previous experience is required! We will share information about the project as well as what Bark volunteers have found during groundtruthing surveys of the area over the last several weeks. With this information, we will then walk you through how to write and submit your own comment as part of the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) process.
If you want to research the 27 Road Fuel Break Project beforehand, click here to see the proposed project on the Forest Service site.
This event is part of Bark’s free Rad◦i◦cle Training Program, which empowers individuals to learn valuable skills in forest ecology, “public lands” advocacy, and community organizing. We hope to see you there!