Butte Creek Timber Sale
The BLM ‘s Environmental Assessment concluded a Finding of No Significant Impact despite the fact that the entire project comprises dispersal habitat for the Northern Spotted Owl and alters habitat for two threatened fish species. The BLM issued a Decision Notice finalizing the project on 11/2/2005. Bark ‘s appeal of the decision was rejected on 1/19/2006. This project encompasses late seral stands and fragmented old growth and is not suitable for thinning. Additionally, the Butte Creek Timber Sale may be illegally moving forward without providing protections for rare animal and plant species required by the ruling of Judge Pechman of the U.S. District Court. Stay tuned as Bark is trying to determine how Butte Creek will be impacted.
Bark’s Concerns
In the southern portion of Unit B there are 5 feet DBH Doug Firs that are marked to be logged despite their claim that they are not logging old growth! As these units are amongst a sea of clearcuts it is vital that these trees be retained for the birds and wildlife who come down from the mountain to winter here.
Resources for Comment-Writing
Habitats & Species
S&M Species: Red tree vole
T&E Species: Spotted OwlgoshawkUpper Willamette River chinook salmonUpper Willamette River steelhead trout
Other Species: common nighthawkred-legged frogbald eagleOregon slender salamander
Additional Species Info: The entire project area is dispersal habitat for the Northern spotted owl
An additional 6.8 miles of existing road would be renovated and improved. We encourage visiting the site to see exactly what this entails.
Reconstruction Miles: 1.4
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