2007 Thin Timber Sale

Released in May, 2006, the 2007 Thin has the largest acreage ever proposed for a timber sale in the Clackamas Ranger District. The final Decision Notice of this project has been issued and logging is assumed to be started.
Released in May, 2006, the 2007 Thin has the largest acreage ever proposed for a timber sale in the Clackamas Ranger District. The final Decision Notice of this project has been issued and logging is assumed to be started.
Resources for Comment-Writing
The 56.6 miles of road closure ” only applies to Alternative C in the Preliminary Assessment (PA). Alternative B is the Forest Service ‘s proposed alternative
Habitats & Species
T&E Species: Columbia River steelheadUpper Willamette chinookLower Columbia cohoNorthern Spotted Owl
Other Species: Cope ‘s giant salamander (S and M)Oregon Spotted Frog (S and M)American Peregrin Falcon (S and M)Pacific Fringe-Tailed Bat
Associated Files