Groundtruthing and Wetland Mapping Campout 10/3-10/5/2024

Join us for an upcoming combination Groundtruthing and Wetland mapping campout in the Stone Creek area! No experience required!
Often times our Groundtruthing and Wetland mapping programs focus on surveying different areas of the forest. However, when we’re able to overlap these programs, we can gain extra knowledge about the forest around us!
The Stone Creek timber sale is slated to take place south of Timothy Lake which is an area covered in small, isolated wetlands and historic beaver habitat. While the Forest Service is aware of much of the wetland areas, some of the timber sale units skirt these areas a little too closely for comfort. We will be groundtruthing the area as well as doing some soil samples and delineating where the wetland boundaries are.
Campouts allow us to collect much more data than we’re able to do in a single field day with the added fun of hanging out with fellow Barkers at camp afterwards! Data collected by Bark volunteers allows us to verify wetland locations and types, information we can then use to update the National Wetland Inventory.
Carpools will be organized, and a caravan will head to the campsite on the first day. Can’t join us for the whole campout? No problem. Register and let us know what day(s) we should expect you! Want to drive yourself? Great! We will send out campsite coordinates when the location is finalized.
Each day will go something like this…
Wake up and eat breakfast, gather gear, and whatever else you need to prepare for a day of surveying.
Circle up in camp to discuss the plan for the day, form groups, and a land acknowledgement. Then, leave camp with our groups and head to our survey locations.
Groups will meet back at camp in the afternoon to share our findings, hang out, swim, relax, eat dinner, and sleep.
Before registering:
1. Review our Intro to Wetland mapping verification PowerPoint slides and
2. Fill out the Carpool Form (there are tabs at the bottom for each event)
3. Reserve rubber boots on our Boot Reservation form– we will be in standing water! (there are tabs at the bottom for each field day)
4. Check out our website for more info: Campout Expectations, Campout Packing List, Field Day Packing List
5. Email Bark with any medical issues (diabetes, allergies, etc.), accommodations, or concerns.
Questions? Email