Stone Creek EA Scoping Comment Writing Workshop

The Clackamas River Ranger District of Mt Hood National Forest is planning a new timber project called the “Stone Creek Vegetation Management Project“. There will be two opportunities to submit public comments through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The first of those comment periods (scoping) is open now through January 3rd!
Bark staff and volunteers have been following and scouting this project over the past year and had several groundtruthing outings this past summer. Interested in learning more about the proposed project and what Bark has found? Please stop into the Bark office for a comment writing workshop! We will go through the project documents, discuss what the Forest Service is proposing, what Bark has found so far, and workshop talking points and walkthrough how to submit a comment. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!!
We will provide maps, project information, and note taking supplies for all who attend. You’re only required to bring yourself! But please bring a laptop or tablet if you would prefer to work electronically.
Please reach out to Jordan ( with any questions or accessibility needs. We want you to feel comfortable attending.