Peoples’ Forest Forum: Unsettling Mt. Hood Ecologies

Join us for six critical, constructive discussions for our fourth annual forum, in collaboration with graduate students in the Racial Ecologies course at the U of O!
Memory Haunts This Mountain
Mt. Hood contains layers of memory that are often invisible in dominant narratives about this space. How might Bark’s advocacy engage with silenced histories? How do your own memories define your relationship with this place?
Representing and Naming Mt. Hood
How has white settler culture represented land and Indigenous peoples in film, generally and in Mt. Hood? What are the different Indigenous and settler naming practices in Mt. Hood? How might this knowledge change the way Bark depicts Mt. Hood in film and photographs and thinks about place names?
Food, Fire, and Grazing
What happens when we view fire as a “natural” versus a cultural process? How have settler-colonial and racial ideologies imprinted federal forest and fire policy? How is Mt. Hood a foodscape? How can lands be used to further food sovereignty?
Indigenous and Settler Mapping Practices
Cartographic silences, or empty spaces on maps, are constructed to erase Indigenous communities as a function of settler colonialism. How does Indigenous counter-mapping combat this narrative of erasure and demonstrate that a space is never really empty?
Carceral Geographies
“Carceral geography” refers to space-centered research into the practices and expansion of incarcerating institutions from prison facilities to detention centers to borders and beyond. How do Oregon’s origins as a white utopia manifest in forest management practices? How do Black people make/disrupt/transform space through collective cultural practice?
Glacial Spectres: A Hauntological Glossary of Mt. Hood
We offer a glossary of terms and concepts associated with Mt. Hood’s glaciers to ask how current conceptions foreclose upon the emergence of alternative ways of knowing and being within the land.
Visit ahead of the event!