Owed to The Mountain: a Storytelling Event

Join us in a special showcase of artists, activists, and storytellers. Diane Jacobs presents Owed to The Mountain, a sculptural artist book that inspires knowing a place deeply, sharing Indigenous wisdom, and building a community that turns its love for a mountain into action.
Bark is honored to host special guest Jefferson Greene of the Columbia River Institute for Indigenous Development (CRÍID), a foundation that preserves, shares, and advances Native American/Indigenous customs, culture, language, histories, and health with and within communities near and far.
“Owed to The Mountain” is a sculptural artist book that unfolds from a box, one leaf at a time, to reveal Mt. Hood and printed stories from the hearts and memories of 4 elders of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Diane Jacobs and Warm Springs Tribal Members curate a powerful story that inspires knowing a place deeply, sharing Indigenous wisdom, and building a community that turns its love for a mountain into action.
As Bark continues to dismantle and examine what it means to defend and restore National Forests on stolen lands, we ask you to join us on this journey for an afternoon of learning and conversation.
The event will be hosted indoors with outside access. Masks are required to attend. Capacity limited.
Questions? Email Al, Bark’s Native Communities Liaison.