October Bark About: National Forests on Stolen Lands

Background is a color photograph of a map. In the foreground are bold, black letters reading

What does it mean to describe land controlled by an agency of the federal government as “public land”? How did it get to be this way? This outing to the area around Mt Hood will build on the historical and current context that was presented in the spring Bark Rad◦i◦cle Activist training. We will visit areas of the forest where we can consider the impact of settler-colonial environmentalism and examine our own relationships with this legacy. We will look at the ideas of “wilderness” and “leave-no-trace recreation” within this context. 

The outing will take place in an area accessible by car from Portland in about 90 minutes, exact location and driving arrangements will be sent to confirmed participants the week before the outing.

We will spend the day moving through in the forest, both on roads and off-trail, walking over uneven terrain, with down logs, possible mud and water. We will make numerous stops for discussion and personal reflection, please come prepared to keep yourself warm and comfortable in the weather.

Please note: This in-person outing will follow COVID-19 protocols. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Driving directions will be sent to registrants before the event. If the tickets are full, please sign up for the waitlist. There will be limited carpooling for fully vaccinated individuals, please check our COVID-19 safety protocols for more information. Participants will be required to wear face coverings and maintain physical distance from others outside their contact bubble.

Since the beginning, Bark has offered free, monthly hikes to Mt. Hood National Forest and surrounding public lands. We believe that by witnessing the breathtaking Cascade ecosystem and learning about the many threats it faces, we can build stronger advocates for the protection of our public lands. Our hike leaders are passionate, knowledgeable volunteers who incorporate information about forest ecology and policy with how to get involved in our efforts.

Questions? Email Misha, Bark’s Forest Watch Assistant.


Bark Out: Intro to Edible/Medicinal Plants

March 9, 2025

10:30am to 1:00pm

Image shows a group of six volunteers in cold weather clothing (jackets and hats) walking on a red dirt path into a beautiful misty forest beneath bright afternoon light.

Larch Mountain Groundtruthing

March 15, 2025

9:00am to 3:00pm

Using Colonizers: Botanical Prints

March 31, 2025

6:00pm to 7:30pm

Color photo of a snowy Mt. Hood on a clear, cloudless day. The bright blue sky stands in contrast to the white blanket of snow covering the mountain and the surrounding coniferous forest. In the foreground some of the closer trees appear in more detail, with less snow.

Inner Bark: Climate Communication

April 16, 2025

6:00pm to 7:30am