November Bark About: Mushroom Hike

November is Bark’s annual mushroom hike dedicated to learning about the essential role that fungus plays within the forest ecosystem! As we walk together along some moderate, mostly flat, trails, our mushroom experts will cover mushroom ecology, and identification. After the introduction, we will spend the day in pairs or small groups to hunt for mushrooms and then regroup to share our finds. Participants should expect to walk up to two miles off trail.
Our morning meet up is in NE Portland (Hollywood) where we’ll organize carpools to a second meet up in Welches, OR before caravaning to our mushroom location for the day. Participants can expect to return to Portland between 5 and 6 pm.
Please note: This in-person outing will follow COVID-19 protocols. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Driving directions will be sent to registrants before the event. If the tickets are full, please sign up for the waitlist. There will be limited carpooling for fully vaccinated individuals. Participants will be required to wear face coverings and maintain physical distance from others outside their contact bubble.
Free use mushroom permits are temporarily waived through December 31, 2021 in Mt. Hood National Forest. However, harvesters must have either a digital or paper copy of the MHNF Mushroom Map on their person. After sign up, further information will be sent to you.