Nature Journaling with The Wetlands Conservancy

While the staff here at Bark are accustomed to using science as a lens through which to understand, and relate to, the natural world, we recognize that there are many ways of interacting with the ecosystems around us. After all, humans are a part of the ecosystem as much as any other creature. Much like the creatures around us, it is an ideal time for pausing and contemplating nature and our role within the natural world. Winter is the ideal time to rest, contemplate and go within. Join Bark and The Wetland Conservancy Thursday 1/11/2024 for a morning of gentle reflection and nature journaling, guided by Kristen Croswell, a former classroom educator.
This event is free and family friendly. Please come prepared with journaling materials. Warm, rainproof clothing and sturdy hiking shoes or rubber boots recommended for exploration of the site in wet conditions. Snacks provided but please come prepared with your own as well. Feel free to bring a chair, a hot drink and a friend. Check the weather a few days ahead of time and bring whatever will make you comfortable. Reach out to with any questions or concerns.
Make sure to also sign up on The Wetlands Conservancy website to receive updates! The exact location will be sent via email from TWC so make sure to register on their website to receive necessary info.
Meeting Time and Location: We will meet at the SW corner of the parking lot of Hillsboro Costco at 9:15 am (coordinates:45°32’02.9″N 122°56’11.6″W).
The event will run 9:30am until roughly 12pm, though folks are free to come and go as they please.