Intro to Beaver Ecology and Habitat Surveys

Supporting beavers is a nuanced and complex process. Barks beaver program approaches this work from three angles- education and outreach, science and data collection and habitat restoration. Through education and outreach, we aim to spread the message of beavers as vital keystone species worthy of protecting. We use science and data collection to understand more about where beavers and beaver modified habitat areas are within Mt Hood National Forest and the surrounding areas. We then share this data with scientists and land managers in order to be a resource for further beaver and beaver modified habitat protections. Much of this data will be used by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and others for future beaver reintroductions. We then do on the ground restoration work to enhance and create beaver habitat, making space for both reintroduction as well as natural beaver migrations into new areas.
This event will be the first part of a 2-part series. Intro to Beaver Ecology and Habitat Surveys will discuss some basic beaver biology, ecology and fun facts as well as go over beaver legislation and regulatory hurdles to beaver reintroduction. We’ll also go over our Beaver Scorecard and the different things we look for during our Beaver Habitat Surveys. Part 2 will take place in the field where Meg, Barks Restoration Coordinator, will further discuss Beaver Habitat Surveys and show examples of what to look for on field days.
If you want to do beaver Habitat Surveys with Bark this year, the Intro class is the ideal way to lay the groundwork!
Location: Bark Office, 351 NE 18th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232
Date and Time: Thursday, 5/23. 6pm-8pm.