Gear Swap/ Donation Day

Mark your calendar for January 18th! In order to help build accessibility to outdoor spaces, Bark is going to host a gear swap. If you have new/gently used outdoor gear, camping equipment, raingear, etc that you no longer need, consider bringing them. During the swap, you can look at what others are willing to part with and offer trades or just ask for what you need!
Show up any time between 11am and 3pm with gently used camping and outdoor gear, or come to see what is offered. Bark is requesting waterproof boots, waders, and hard hats/bike helmets, but will be offering some items from our considerable camp kitchen.
Bark Office:351 NE 18th Ave, Portland, OR 97232
Feel free to reach out any time with questions or ideas you’d like to discuss at the event. If we haven’t yet, I can’t wait to meet you in person.
See you soon!
Haley, Education Programs Coordinator