Bark’s Community Confluence Conference

Let’s come together for Bark’s first annual Community Confluence Conference! Brought to you with the generous support of our co-sponsor, Jam on Hawthorne.
Formerly ‘People’s Forest Forum,’ Bark is expanding its view to include more than just the trees. We are hosting a conference at Left Bank Annex from 2-8 pm on Saturday, December 14th. This event will have two keynotes, three panels, a silent auction, food and over a dozen local like-minded organizations to get involved with. Finally, the conference will culminate in a dance party to support Bark and our non-profit allies. Participants in the Give!Guide that have donated to any of the groups (including Bark) attending will get free admission to the DoGoodGetDown dance portion of the event from 8pm to 11pm!
Currently joining us: Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts, Columbia Slough Watershed Council, Crag Law Center, 1,000 Friends, 350 PDX, PNW Forest Climate Alliance, XERCES society, The Wetlands Conservancy, Citizens’ Climate Lobby and more.
The theme for this year’s event is Tools for Change. What kinds of things should the modern environmentalist or budding environmental justice advocate know about engaging with nature and policy alike?
We will be focused on the following topics and more:
- What tools can help us interact with nature?
- How are things connected to us? Why should we care?
- What role does environmental justice play within Mt. Hood’s ecology?
- What resources can help us ensure nature for future generations?
After a brief opening from our Executive Director, Rich Walzack, we will move into our panel sessions:
Beavers as Climate Activists led by Bark’s Meg Waller, Restoration Manager and Beaver/Wetland Extraordinaire, featuring:
- Shea Fuller, The Wetlands Conservancy
- Jeff Goldberg, USFS Westzone Wildlife Biologist
- Ben Cate, ODFW Wildlife Biologist
- Brian Bangs, USFWS
Forests: Flames for Change led by Bark’s Jordan Latter, Forest Watch Coordinator
- Andrew Spaeth, Facilitator of Eastzone Forest Collaboratives
- Simone Cordery-Cotter, Fire Risk Reduction Specialist
- Max Oakes, Biologist with Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Environmental Justice on Shared Lands led by Bark’s Jade Hagan, Director of Community Engagement and Communications
- Ameyalli Mañon-Ferguson, Cultural Ecologist Parrot Creek
- David Osborn, PSU Capstone Instructor
- Madison Fowler, UO Environmental Studies Northwest Forest Plan Just Futures
We will end with a keynote titled “All the Tools in the Box: Defending Mt. Hood National Forest, past, present and future” from former Bark attorney and current climate rockstar Brenna Bell at 350 PDX, who will summarize our collective goals and inspire action before we announce silent auction winners and start the DoGoodGetDown party featuring DJ Chaach.
During the party, there will also be henna by Sparka Studios and massages by Healing Journey!
Tickets for the Community Confluence Conference are a sliding scale starting at $10. Buy a ticket for the Confluence Conference and automatically get into the DoGoodGetDown dance party! If you bring proof of donation to participating Give!Guide organizations, you get free admission to the conference and the dance party. The more given through ticket sales, the better event we can have!
Silent Auction will have items and experiences from a variety of local vendors like Handmade Gardens Coaching and Design, Little Gold Fox Designs, Kelli MacConnell Art, Lemelson Vineyard, Penfelt Studios, Indigo Traders, Gemm Soaps, Fly Fishing with Portugal the Man as well as Titos Vodka, Seisuke Knives, Patagonia and more!
Some fantastic folks have also donated alcohol to help us defray the cost of our event, including Stone Barn Brandyworks, New Deal Distillery, and Lemelson Vineyard.
If you are interested in volunteering and getting a free ticket in, please sign-up!
2:00 Conference kicks off with Introduction from Bark
2:15 Beavers as Climate Activists Panel
3:45 Forests: Flames for Change Panel
5:15 Environmental Justice on Shared Lands Panel
6:30 Food and Networking
7:15 Keynote Speaker Brenna Bell “All the Tools in the Box: Defending Mt. Hood National Forest, past, present and future”
7:45 Silent Auction Closes, Winners Announced
8:00 DoGoodGetDown Dance Party!
11:00 That’s a wrap!
Bark deeply values the safety and well-being of our attendees and wants to ensure you feel comfortable joining us. Here are some of the steps we’re taking to make the event as safe and inclusive as possible:
- Mask-Friendly Environment: Guests are welcome and encouraged to wear a mask if they so choose.
- Sanitization Stations: Hand sanitizer will be available at the venue.
- Stay Home If Sick: We encourage attendees who are feeling unwell or experiencing symptoms to stay home.”