Act now to defend our public lands!

On March 1st, the White House issued an Executive Order (EO) calling for the immediate expansion of timber production—a reckless move that will fast-track logging, gut environmental protections, and strip communities of their say in public land management.
Specifically, this EO will:
- Increase clear-cutting and logging in sensitive areas, harming biodiversity and watershed health
- Bypass key environmental laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
- Disregard Indigenous sovereignty and sideline Tribal Nations from land management decisions
- Exacerbate wildfire risks by prioritizing commercial logging over science-backed fire resilience strategies
If this EO stands unchallenged, its impacts will be immediate and far-reaching. Increasing timber production at the scale it proposes will magnify the threats our forests already face from ecologically destructive logging projects, increase the risk and severity of wildfire, poison our water supply, and enrich timber industry executives at the expense of our local economies and communities. This is the false promise of trickle-down timbernomics: corporate profits go up while everyone else pays the cost.
Make no mistake: this EO is not only a full-blown assault on our public lands. It is but one step in this administration’s broader mission to prop up corporate interests, privatize our public lands, concentrate power in the executive branch while limiting public oversight, and strip our communities and lands of the environmental protections guaranteed by law.
But we are not powerless. By speaking out together against this EO, we can send a strong message to this administration that we won’t take this lying down. Here’s how you can take action today:
- Call or write your federal representatives—Tell them you want to see them doing more to push back against this reckless policy. Use the talking points in this action alert for guidance.
- Call your state representatives and urge them to draft and pass an Oregon Environmental Policy Act to safeguard our forests and communities from federal overreach.
- Demand action from the Oregon Attorney General—Tell them to take legal action against this EO.
- Be the boots on the ground—Join us in the field to learn how to groundtruth timber projects, expose industry greenwashing, and hold decision-makers accountable. The more eyes we have on the ground, the harder it is for destructive logging to go unchecked.
- Spread the word—Tell at least three people about this EO and ask them to take action with you.
Take action today and keep the pressure on. Especially on March 21st, which is International Day of Forests, let’s flood congressional phone lines and demand they stand up for the people who elected them.