Forest First Aid

This image shows Daniela, a volunteer, and a member of the Rose Hips Forest Aid group demonstrating how to apply a sling for a hurt arm. This group is gathered at an indoor garage setting.

The Rosehip Medic Collective will be leading a forest-based first aid training designed for anyone who spends time in the trees doing things like leading hikes or survey teams in unpredictable, remote, and off-trail conditions. All are welcome and this training is free!

The Rosehip Medic Collective is a group of volunteer Street Medics and healthcare activists active in Portland, Oregon. They provide first aid and emergency care at protests, direct actions, and other sites of resistance and struggle. They also train other street medics and put on community wellness trainings. They believe in democratizing healthcare knowledge and skills, in reducing our community’s dependence on corporate medicine, and that strong networks of support and care are essential to building a sustainable, long-term movement for collective liberation. They are working to create one facet of the healthy and diverse infrastructure they see as necessary if we are to build another world. The Rosehips Medic Collective includes EMTs, Wilderness First Responders, amateur herbalists, and more. 

This event will be held at the Bark office, located at 351 NE 18th Ave, Portland, OR 97232.